Cataloging and Metadata Services

General Information

The Cataloging and Metadata Services Department provides access to all library materials by organizing and maintaining the library's online catalog. The department is responsible for the cataloging and final integration of print and non-print library materials, including audiovisual materials, computer files, and electronic resources.

Cataloging and Metadata Services


Offices section, room 007


Office Hours

Sunday –Thursday: 8:30 – 15:15







Cataloging Staff

Elena Alexeyev – Head of Cataloging, Sophia Boskovitz, Riki Melamed.


Textbooks (Reserve Books)

The department prioritizes cataloging textbooks, which faculty members recommend to have them on the shelves as soon as possible.


Thesis Collection

Much effort is invested in cataloging printed and electronic theses and dissertations written by Life Sciences and Medicine Faculties students. These dissertations give a complete picture of the leading research done at Life Sciences and Medicine faculties.


Special Collections

The department is responsible for the Rare Book Collection and History of    Medicine Reprint Collection.

  •  The Rare Book Collection includes books from the 15th century through the end of the 19th century and special editions and facsimiles from later periods. These books are treated by special methods and materials to ensure their preservation. This non-circulating collection is kept in a locked cabinet. It may be used only in the library upon request. For details, contact the Reference Desk.


  • History of Medicine Reprint Collection: The department organizes and catalogs a collection of articles related to the history of science and medicine, most of which originates from the personal library of the late Prof. Morris C. Leikind of   Johns Hopkins University. Cataloging this collection provides access to news clippings, pictures, photographs, and articles important to the history of science and medicine. Most of these texts were published before the 1970s and are generally unavailable on the Internet or scientific and medical databases.


Viewing New Material

Materials being processed may be seen at the Cataloging Department during working hours. For details, contact the Reference Desk or the Cataloging Department.




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