Predatory Journals: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

Predatory Journals

What are predatory journals?

Journals that mimic scientific journals and trick researchers into publishing with them, using false promises for an expedited publication process, scientific and language editing, and peer review. In reality, these journals have a fictitious scientific board and do not employ any screening or quality checks on the content they accept for publication.


What is the damage of publishing in predatory journals?

  • Articles published in predatory journals are not taken into account for academic promotion.

  • Waste of research funds: the research is not taken into account and cannot be republished in other acclaimed journals.

  • The research does not get its rightful exposure to the scientific community.


Where should you publish?

Check if the journal you wish to publish appears in JCR – this database ranks academic journals and calculates their Impact Factor. Only articles published in journals that appear in JCR are taken into account for academic promotion.

The library's Reference team can check for you if the journal appears in the database and help you decide whether a journal you wish to publish in is a legitimate or predatory journal.






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