
General Information 

The reference staff assists with accessing the wide variety of available library materials. The librarians guide the users in locating information from library resources, bibliographic databases, and search engines in life sciences, medicine, and health professions. They also answer questions concerning information needs.



Reference desk, entrance floor



Sunday – Thursday: 09:00 – 19:00


03 - 6407975


Reference Staff

Michal Montauryano - Head of Reference, Shiri Siman Tov, Noga Weinberg, Dorit Weiss.


Reference Service

The reference team is available to answer your questions in person on the entrance floor of the library, by phone at 03-6407975, or via WhatsApp at 050-6226977; general questions can be asked by e-mail as well.

Students of the Life Sciences Faculty or the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University may also use the E-mail Reference form. Questions will be answered within three working days.

Reference Librarians offer training using the library's search engines, databases, and other resources. 



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