Interlending and Document Supply Forms

As of 2020 Interlibrary Loan Services from all Israeli universities will be provided free of charge for research, teaching, and study purposes only.

Please note:

  • A book that was requested and arrived will wait up to two weeks from the arrival date. The book will be returned to the lending library if it won't be picked up.
  • E-Books borrowing is not allowed (you can ask for TOC, and a scan will be supplied under the restrictions).
  • A book / E-book Scan request will be allowed up to 20% and not more than 50 pages (according to the lending library restrictions).
  • Article request is allowed up to two articles from the same journal vol.  




Students, faculty, and administrative staff of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, who hold a valid user account.


For more information about the department, and further details

Phone: 03-6409752/7966. 

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