Remote Access to Full Text

Most of the library's electronic resources - databases, journals, books, and reprints are only accessible to the Tel-Aviv University community and not to the general public.

Remote Access to Full Text

As of today, it is possible to access databases, books, articles, and datasets in full text via OpenAthens.

We are making the connections for you. All you have to do is look for the relevant information and login with your university credentials.

Access to online resources is possible in the following ways:

  • Through DaTA: Sign in to your account and log in to the online resource with your university credentials (username, ID number, and university password).
  • Through the Databases portal: When clicking on the name database name, you will be asked to log in with your university credentials.
  • Installing LibKey Nomad: This browser extension allows you to get direct access to articles and books available through subscriptions of the Tel Aviv University libraries while surfing online.
  • Have you reached a website where you are not recognized as part of the TAU community? Look for INSTITUTIONAL LOGIN in the menu. If the university has an agreement with it, you can use your university credentials (available for some of the databases and providers).
  • At Google Scholar, click on Tau Find Text and log in with your university credentials (username, ID number, and university password). If you cannot see the TAU Find Text link, please do the following:
  1. Click on the advanced options of Google Scholar (the tree lines on the top left)
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Library links
  4. Write Tel Aviv University in the search box
  5. Tick Tel Aviv University- TAU Find Text
  6. Save

להיכנס להגדרות המתקדמות (שלושת הקווים בפינה העליונה) ולבחור הגדרות - Settings

ללחוץ על קישורי ספריה - Library links

להקליד בתיבת החיפוש  Tel Aviv University, לסמן V ליד Tel Aviv University- TAU Find Text, וללחוץ על שמור - SAVE


Remember: you must use your TAU credential on any computer except PCs in the libraries.

As of February 2024, the Proxy service for remote access to electronic resources will no longer be supported.

We recommend researchers and students who have configured proxy settings to cancel these configurations. Instructions for canceling Proxy settings can be found in this link, or with the help of the library Technical Support Team - 03-6407977.


Students of the School of Continuing Medical Education (CME): to get a username and password, please contact the school office 03- 6409797.

Faculty and administrative staff members: To get a username and password, please contact the faculty computer coordinator.

Faculty members employed in the hospitals: follow the instructions for access from the hospitals (Hebrew).



For technical assistance, it is possible to contact:

  • Information Technology & Computing Division in the University. Phone – 03-6408888,

For help with problems concerning the use of information resources, it is possible to contact the Reference Dept. by filling out this form or by phone at 03-6407975.

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here and / or the use of such content is in your opinion infringing Contact the referral system >>