Request for Your Scientific Publication List

Presenting your candidacy for new appointments or an academic promotion at the Faculty of Life Sciences or the Faculty of Medicine, and need help locating the proper indexes for the list of your scientific publications?

The Life Science and Medicine library staff will help you locate the proper indexes of your scientific publications based on JCR/WOS for the committee.

The service is operating according to guidelines and instructions set by the faculties.

The edited file will be sent to your e-mail within 14 workdays.

updated: 26.07.2022

Please fill out the following form:

Please list all name variations for example: Levi David, Levi, D. etc.
Guidelines for Life Sciences

The list of publications and indexes gathered for staff members applying for a new appointment or an academic promotion:

Published articles (from peer-reviewed journals listed on Web of Science)

Q+Rank+IF+number of times the article was cited in the last year that is listed on Web of Science.

Rank will be determined by the category in which the article has the highest score.


Please note:

It is your responsibility to check the list validation, including absent and incorrect publications before adding it to the CV and submitting it to the nominations committee.

The information specialist staff at the library is acting according to the guidance and instructions of the faculty secretary and the divisional nominations committee at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

Guidelines for Medicine

The list of publications and indexes gathered for staff members applying for a new appointment or an academic promotion:

B.1. Original Articles (in peer-reviewed journals only and only journals that appear in JCR/ WOS)

B.2. Case reports (in peer-reviewed journals)

B.3. Review Articles

Q+Rank+IF+number of times the article was cited in the last year that is listed on JCR, as well as a table comparing the year of publication and the last year listed.

Rank will be determined by the category in which the article has the highest score.


Please note:

It is your responsibility to check the list validation, including absent and incorrect publications before adding it to the CV and submitting it to the nominations committee.

The information specialist staff at the library is acting according to the guidance and instructions of the faculty secretary and the divisional nominations committee at the Faculty of Medicine.

From now on, the full submission of the nomination file is done via the following link: The faculty's online system.

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf doc docx odt.

For more information, please contact:


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