Interlending and Document Supply Center

The Interlending and Document Supply Center provides, upon request, copies of articles, book chapters, books, reports, and dissertations from Israeli and overseas sources. Supply of requests is subject to Copyright Law.


Please note:

  • A book that was requested and arrived will wait up to two weeks from the arrival date. The book will be returned to the lending library if it won't be picked up.
  • E-book borrowing is not allowed (you can ask for TOC, and a scan will be supplied under the restrictions).
  • A book / E-book Scan request will be allowed up to 20% and not more than 50 pages (according to the lending library restrictions).
  • Article requests are allowed for up to two articles from the same journal volume.  


Interlending and Document Supply Center

Interlending and Document Supply Center - General information



Office section, room 12


Sunday – Thursday 8:30 – 15:30



03-6409752 /03-6407966



Interlending and Document Supply Center Staff

Merav Mortenfeld-Kless, Head of Department, Shiri Birenboim, Hadas Burla, Sagit Kadar



Students, faculty, and administrative staff of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine who hold a valid user account.

Other Libraries





Services Offered by the Center for Staff Members, Students, and Guests


General Information 

The Interlending and Document Supply Center provides, upon request, copies of articles, book chapters, books, reports, and dissertations from Israeli and overseas sources. Supply of requests is subject to Copyright Law.

Some of the services are fee-based. All fees are set by Tel Aviv University authorities.



Students, faculty, and administrative staff of the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine


Request Methods for Scans from the Library Collections

Faculty, staff, and students of Tel Aviv University Faculties of Life Sciences and Medicine:

  • An online request form on the library homepage (Subject to advance payment)
  • Filling out a request form at the Department


Request Methods for Documents from Other Libraries

Faculty, staff, and students of Tel Aviv University Faculties of Life Sciences and Medicine:

  • An online request form on the library homepage.
  • Filling a request form at the Department


Means of Acceptance

Copies of requested items will be sent to the requestor's e-mail address.

Loan items can be collected at the Department (room 12).

Please note: Ordered books will be held for a maximum of two weeks at the ILL department. Unclaimed items will be sent back.


Payment Options


As of 2020, Interlibrary Loan Services from all Israeli universities will be provided free of charge for research, teaching, and study purposes only.


Payments can be made through a credit/debit card or deposit account.

Academic staff may pay through their budget account. Payments will be accepted only by the account owners themselves.

Arrangements for credit card payments can be made by phone: 03-6409752/7966.

Charges will be made only when the order is dispatched.

















Services Offered by the Center for Other Libraries


General Information

Libraries may request copies of journal articles and book chapters from library collections and other sources, as well as borrow items from our library collections.

Before requesting book or dissertation chapters, copies of TOC pages may be ordered free of charge on a reciprocal basis.


Items For Loan

Books from the regular collection (BK)
Books from the History of Medicine Collection (HM)
Dissertations (D) (except for nursing dissertations)


Items Not for Loan 

Reference books
Textbooks (Reserved Course Books)
Reserved books
Journal volumes and issues
Rare books
Nursing Dissertations



Detailed requests for library items should be delivered by the example to


Delivery to Libraries 


Copied Items: By e-mail

Items for loan: Items for loan are sent by messenger service or registered mail and must be returned only to the Interlending Department.


An invoice will be sent to the requesting library. Detailed reports of the requests filled will be attached to the invoice.

The cost of registered mail (books) will be added to the fee.


Fees for each category of libraries vary: 

University Libraries: Fees are set by the Standard Committee of Israeli Universities
The Consortium of Hospital Libraries Connected to the Tel Aviv University Medical Faculty: Fees are set by the participating library directors.
Israeli Medical Libraries Committee: Fees are set by the participating library directors.
Other Libraries: Fees are set by Tel Aviv University authorities.


Delivery to Our Library 

By regular e-mail:


For Further Information Concerning Interlibrary Requests, Contact Us:

Tel Aviv University makes every effort to respect copyright. If you own copyright to the content contained
here and / or the use of such content is in your opinion infringing Contact the referral system >>